This Song's For You, Gentle Annie

The picture above is of Annie on "smoke break" as we ascended Mount Hawaiiloa Ridge, just winward of Waikiki, this summer. (She normally doesn't like the pictures of her I like best!)
Gentle Annie ("on this rock I will build my my family...") has assumed here master hostess role. The burden she bears in all of this: me gone, Katrina, etc., will significantly "reduce her time in pergatory" (an inside joke). God help the one's who don't appreciate what she is going through. For Annie is wisest once the going gets tough.
On top of that, we both know I will be commuting to work once I do return. But we've agreed to maintain the homestead here in Mississippi while the kids are still in proximity.
This song's for you, hon, my Gentle Annie, very much alive: Click Here
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