Am I Ready?! Hell Yes! Damn Right!

Now you know I can't lie (at least and get away with it). The picture is from one of the members of the Mississippi Rifles, the 155th combat battalion from all over the state of Mississippi. These guys are unreal. The HUMMWV's even have Ole Miss stickers on them. And where is the 155th deployed? That's right! Here at scenic Camp Taqaddam. What are the odd's of me being here at the same time as those guys, Mississippians all.
To give you an idea of chance meetings, my parents were driving to see Aunt (Sister) Julie in St Louis several years back. As they are driving home on I-55 in Missouri, who passes them going 80: An old jalopi, shaking and baking down the road, like a moving Animal House, which it actually was. My brother Tim (or maybe it was Davey?), who was the Beta's Bulushi (Tim, not Davey), and about eight of his frat brothers were barreling down the road at the same time, having left several hours ago from Columbia, on their way back to Ole Miss. (If I remember, Ole Miss lost to the Missouri Tigers that year.)
One of Timmy's friends looked over and said: Tim, no s---, we just passed your Mom and Dad! They slowed down and couldn't believe their eyes. All I can say is this is a small world, and thank God they chose not to moon Pop and Doe!
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