Thursday, June 16, 2005

Getting Here

To get to Iraq is easier said than done. I've attached a few pictures of my transit over to my current station.


The top "palatial" picture above is of CDR Amy B., one of eight or so sailors (out of about 200 soldiers from Fort Bliss) who arrived in Baghdad on the same rotator flight as I (did). CDR B. is stationed in the IZ, the "International Zone", in Baghdad. She will contribute to this blog from her vantage point in Baghdad. In the second picture above: Here we are after 15 minutes sleep before boarding a C130 from Kuwait to BIAP (Baghdad International Airport).

Hut at the Kuwait flight line, waiting...

Sardines in a C130. That's the right half of the cargo bay.

My luxurious tent (with air conditioning) at a camp near BIAP.

Here's a picture of a security wall around the camp near BIAP. Across that wall is Baghdad. Near this wall is the Route Irish. Many of the routes are named after sports teams. Route Irish is the 10 mile road from BIAP (the airport) to IZ (the International Zone, or Green Zone). The most dangerous ten miles in the world. At least for now.

Finally, here's a picture of Uday's and Qusay's Palaces, bombed but still heavily guarded. On this particular base, there are five palaces that I know of: Al Fawr, Uday's and Qusay's, the Water Palace, one for Saddam's favorite daughter, and the Perfume Palace.